“You Can’t Do Business From The Bathtub

Hello you beautiful scrumptious Goddess!!!

"You can't do business from the bathtub."

I cannot get this statement out of my mind.

It was made by a powerful, amazing woman--in reference to "all these people talking about having a feminine business."

Let's unpack this.

First of all--who said you can't do business from the bathtub? Why not? What is the implication here?

One layer of this suggests that taking a bath is frivolous--somehow not action oriented, and therefore a completely silly idea. Do you hear the internalized patriarchy speaking here??? I sure do.

Another layer--it is equating the feminine with taking a bath. It's a big cliché, right? All of us have said this at one point (or most of us) when referring to self-care: get a massage, take a bath, etc... But even if it is just a huge cliché, there's still this lingering layer of misogyny. Again--as if taking a bath is all women do and that taking baths is superficial, silly, trivial, and in no way could have any sort of powerful outcome like a successful business.

When I heard this the first thing I thought was, "Ha! Rachel Rodgers has a podcast episode where she recounts making several million dollar decisions while in the bathtub!!!"

So what does having a feminine business mean?????? For me, it means leading with The Feminine and supporting with The Masculine (I'm talking archetypal energy here). But what does that even mean???

I think we've had things backwards for a really really long time. Backwards and waaaaaaaay off balance. Not only do we lead with the masculine in like...all things...we have been conditioned to think of the feminine as petty, silly, inconsequential...yes, that's changing however those tropes are still the predominant ones in our culture.

The Feminine is CREATIVE ENERGY. The Feminine CREATES. That's where we start. That's always the starting place! Then The Masculine comes in and supports that creative energy with action! THAT IS BALANCE.

It's radical. But it is the truth. So go ahead and take a freaking bath and drop into that powerful inner place of yours and CREATE.



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