
A Four Week Group Program to Create a Solid Foundation for Anti-Patriarchy Marketing

  • This straight up a GATHERING (free!) where I am going to help you decode three messages we receive around marketing, why they make us feel skeevy, and how they stop us from showing up in our business.

    My intention is to give you sooooooo much knowledge and tools that you will walk away with a refreshed perspective on marketing AND feel excited to actually market your business!!

  • WE ARE GOING TO DIVE IN! Three of the top things that stop my clients from showing up, talking about their business, and inviting people in to work with them are:

    1) The Myth of Perfection. This permeates our culture. It shows up in a bunch of ways. For example:

    • ”Establish yourself as an expert.” Sound familiar? What does being an expert even mean?!! We are going to deconstruct this and build something new and more powerful because, trust me, YOU KNOW WHAT YOU’RE DOING.

    • We never release “the thing”—program, social media post, newsletter…because we buy into the idea it has to be perfect or it shouldn’t be released—what an awesome tool of the Patriarchy to hold us back and make sure we aren’t out there changing the world with our work!

    2) In order to make the sale, MANIPULATE. This involves finding the pain points and twisting the knife into them, establishing yourself as the authority that knows the answer and implying that if they don’t work with you they will fail, using psychological triggers to exploit their shame and insecurities to buy from you.

    3) False urgency, manipulative pricing, gouging people with payment plans, false scarcity, and exaggerated claims of success. These are all tools we witness and many of us have been taught to use—we’ve been taught that this is the way to make money and have success. But, of course, using these tools often manifests massive anxiety because, of course, we feel like a fraud underneath it all. We feel icky and manipulative—and we are terrified that we will be “found out.”

    ALL THESE THINGS STOP US FROM SHARING ABOUT OUR WORK IN THE WORLD!!! Of course they do! You’re here to make a difference in people’s lives, not shame them into working with you.

  • My love, YOU DON’T HAVE TO DO THINGS THIS WAY! I speak from experience.

    I was taught these techniques of marketing when I started my coaching business and I admit that I used some of them. BUT—mostly I did NOTHING because I hated marketing. I was in despair because I thought I would never be successful without using these deceptive methods.

    I didn’t know there was a different way—a way that felt good—joyful even—and worked to bring my ideal clients to me.

    Here’s an example—I know that a struggle people have is not marketing their business because it feels really icky to them. That’s a “pain point.” And it is important that I communicate that I understand that struggle (because I sooooooo do!) However, I can lovingly let you know thatI see you and I understand you without shaming you and without twisting the knife. I am here to let you know that there’s a reason you’re reticent about marketing AND there’s a way to market that doesn’t feel manipulative and gross.

    My goal is to help you feel good about marketing because I want you to be successful with all my heart. I know the world needs you.

    I am passionate about lifting the veil on all the bullshit we’ve been told—bullshit that is absolutely holding us back—so that you can do your work in the world!


You think you’re starting a businesS

but in reality you’re going on the most profound self-discovery journey of your life…






Meet Elijah

I love working with solopreneurs that have been holding back and hiding out because, honestly, doing business just doesn't feel good. I know, because that was me for years!

What an incredible relief to learn how to do business in a way that actually feels good. It makes all the difference in the world, and I truly want you out there making the impact you are here to make!


Get F'd with Elijah!

Private Coaching

…so that you can disrupt the sh*t out of the current Patriarchal business practices and actually have fun, make an impact, and make a profit! This is the path to truly making your business work on YOUR TERMS—terms that feel good, don’t cause harm, while creating a business and life you desire.

  • "Elijah showed me truths I did not have the perception or courage to see. I now have a sense of Freedom I never thought possible and the strength to live the life I desire without apology."

    Jennifer Gattoni

  • "She holds me to the bigger vision I hold for myself and beautifully articulates where she sees my old patterns getting in the way. I so appreciate her authenticity and marvel at how far I’ve come with her loving and dedicated support."

    -Kari Morin

  • "She has the ability to cut right to the core of the larger picture of what’s really happening as well as to zoom in on deeper issues, and in every conversation with her, I’ve walked away feeling more clear about who I am, the vision I hold for my life and where I’m off track, and inspired to be more of an empowered woman living her dreams."

    Dara Marin

  • "She has a beautiful healing energy about her - she makes you feel safe, heard and understood - all while providing the loving stretch to help get you into action. I certainly wouldn't be where I am today without her support, encouragement, and intuitive sense of knowing what I needed when I needed it."

    Abigail Hambell

  • "Elijah helped me, empowered me, to believe in myself, and the gifts I have to offer to this world. Elijah is the quintessential version of an earth angel. She pours life into you enabling you to go from a vegetative state of living to one filled with joy, love and bliss."

    Karen Grant

  • "I am enjoying my life and my business more than ever and even in this pandemic I impacted more lives making 5 times more money and already planning for more!!"

    Dharmi Shah

  • "She allows you to make behavioral changes with the eating and then tackles the real issues. Do yourself and this one beautiful life of yours a favor, and reach out to Elijah if you’re struggling with food and weight. She will be everything you need and more."


Let’s change the way we do business!

Ready to join the revolution?

I am available to create custom trainings and presentations for corporations, and teams. I am also a killer guest speaker, podcast interviewee, IG mini talk, FB Group chat… and so much more!

Have an idea? Don’t hesitate to reach out!